Microbial Ecologies

Created with p5.js, this interactive simulation bridges scientific research with the community by allowing those unfamiliar with bioremediation to engage with the research currently underway at the Henaff Lab.

In this simulation, you become the heavy metal binding hydrogel that absorbs and cleans up the lead pollution in the Gowanus Canal. The game is connected to your webcam which tracks your hand’s movements. The lead will be attracted to the hydrogel and can be removed when it is brought out of the water. If the lead touches certain bacteria, they will slow down. If the heavy metal interacts with bacteria again, it will die. Overtime, the canal microbiome will evolve with only lead-resistance bacteria (red) surviving.

Clean up the Gowanus Canal here. Please allow at least 10 seconds for the game to load.

Note: This is a simplified simulation of evolution. There will not just be 1 bacteria that is resistant. There will be assemblages.



